There was one box in our seashipment in may which we didn´t unpack but stored in a cupboard. It was the one box containing our Christmas decorations. When I got it out a couple of weeks ago, I held this ornament in my hands and wondered - "Wow - wasn´t it only yesterday that we packed it away? Where did this year go?"
If I would have to describe our first year in Shanghai than I would say: It was at first like going white water rafting - exciting, mad, fast and sometimes we were thrown into very cold waters. But over the months we learnt how to paddle,how to steer our ship and since a couple of months now we can probably say that we are riding on fairly smooth waters.
Paul has settled very well in his job and with his company he can look back at one of the most sucessfull years ever. I for myself can say that I feel like have learnt so many things for my life and also starting to see now a path forming taking me forward in my professional live.
We have made some great friends here and overall we can say that we have been very lucky with all people we have met and the network that is supporting us in our live in Shanghai. We have also learnt that people are just people and it doesn´t matter what nationality they are. We all have our weired and funny sides. It is great to experience and to live in a different culture. As long as you have room for a laugh when things go wrong or you don´t understand, you will be fine. "Just go with the flow" became kind of a mantra for me in 2011.
But most of all we are thankfull to look back at a year where we both stayed healthy (apart from the minor incidents..) and that we can say: "yes it was worth coming here, it was worth the effort". There is no better Christmaspresent this year than beeing able to say this.
With this we close the blog for 2011.
Thanks for keeping in touch!! This year would not have been possible if we wouldn´t have known that so many beloved people support us, nevermind how far away we are!!
We wish wish you all a very mery Christmas. Have a wonderful time with your friends and families. Relax, enjoy and have a healthy and good start in the new year..!
Be proud of everything you challanged this year.
All 365 days.
Nevermind how difficult.. you walked them!
Time for a rest - Time for Christmas Season
With Love and Hugs from Shanghai
Shèngdàn kuàilè!
Geli & Paul
Wünschen euch alles Gute für 2012 und weiterhin viel Spaß und Erfolg!
Uwe und Alex