This Blog is about loving and living in Shanghai. 25 Million Chinese and US! - two "lao wais" (foreigners) called Paul and Angelika who are living right in the heart of the city.Not one day passes where we don´t get fascinated by living here as this place is full of stories and adventures. Big ones, small ones and of coarse our very personal one. You are warmly invited to experience some of these adventures with us and to find out that after all Shanghai is only just a little more crazy than other parts in the world. It´s all a matter of perspective :-). Welcome to our home and to the GOLDLINCOLN Blog!

Freitag, 13. September 2013

Hannah´s day...and a BIG thunderstorm..

 Hi this is Hannah "speaking"!! Finally I get a Chance to meet you personally!

My Mummy is busy doing some photo stuff . But I had such an exciting day, I have to tell you right now about it!

A couple of days ago Mummy bought me a large playmat - finally! I started getting fed up moving around in my little bed and latest since I fell of my parents big bed, it was clear there is no way round: A larger Play area for me must be created. Let´s face it: Eventually I will take over the apartment amyway!

And it´s great! Within only a couple of days I have learnt how to sit myself up without banging my head on anything.  My "Opa" in Germany was even watching me live on Skype and could whitness it!

Not long now and I will be crawling all over the place. Mummy sent an Email to our landlord today to ask for  help making our home "Hannah-safe".. I have a feeling that there will be a lot to do..
And I feel a bit sorry for them. They really like their decorations , mostly souveniers from all over the world.. They probably need to retire them for a while somehere in a cupboard.

Did I Mummy tell you already that I got my first tooth?..Another 3 are on the way!!!.. That´s why I like stuffing EVERYTHING in my mouth right now...

Eventually I got tired and around lunch time I took a little snooze..

When I woke up, Mummy had cooked my lunch for a change. Today she tried courgette puree.
The mother of my friend Liam had told her that aparently he really likes it... Well I don´t know what he is on about.. it´s definately not my Cup of tea!

After lunch we got ready to go to the hongqiao flower market. My mum loves going there. It´s one of the great things of living in Shanghai. You can get a whole bunch of  exotic flowers for really cheap.

So she packed me on her hips in the sling and grabbed two huge bags containing plant potts for re-filling. She called a taxi and just as we were going down the stairs to leave Jing Tai Tai (= Mrs. Jing) came out her Apartment. She thought we were a little crazy to head out in this weather. It was really not great. About 30 degrees and 80% humidity. This is what it says already IN our Apartment.. Outside is like a steamroom (if this is what steam rooms are like, I will never go there!).

Maybe Mrs. Jing was informed us also about a weather warning. But our chinese is not good enough to understand. So kind Mrs. Jing helped us with our bags and off we went in the taxi.

At the flower market we picked loads and loads of flowers. Way to many for both of us to carry. But fortunately the shop vendors know Mummy and thought I´m so cute that they helped us one hour later back to the taxi.

What a shame that we didn´t take a picture. The boot (trunk) in the back was loaded with flowers, and on the back seat we were sitting surrounded by orchids. Fortunately the taxi was freezing cold so we didn´t have to suffer from the heat and the orchids were happy, too.

Half way home we saw this huge thuderstorm coming up over the city. It started already a bit on our way home. Such big rain Drops!! I couldn´t help staring out of the window. And Mummy was mumbling something like "Oh no, not again".. I think she remembered when we came back  from the Supermarket the other day and it was tipping it down with rain. Shopping bags,  pushchair, me and no umbrella... we got soaking wet!!

We made it just in time back to Gao An Lu. But only because we jumped out of the taxi, ran to the door, shouted for Jing Tai Tai and handed me over to her that mummy could run back to the car and unload the flowers ..Only seconds after we and the flowers were safe, it got pitch black out there and heaven open it´s gates

It was a real big and loud tropical thunderstorm...just the right weather for another afternoon nap
And my mum got the Chance to arrange her flowers in the Apartment.


When I woke up the bad weather  was still around! It was just like  plum rain season. It was so exciting: It didn´t matter which window I looked out at.. there was "Splishy Splash" EVERYWHERE!!

But even the most exciting storm can get a bit boring..

I was getting hungry.
I love Food!...
Banana and Chinese Apricot muse especially!!
I´m sure there was something else I wanted to tell you about...
Hm.. slipped my mind...

It was STILL raining when I we started to get a bit silly..
Mum likes putting stuff on my head and playing hide and seek..


When we finished it was time for a round of skyping with Nan and Grandad in the UK. Most days we end up chatting to someone at home. I´m starting to get the hang of it..It´s great! I can see all my friends back home and hit or walk on all the Buttons of mummy´s new mac book!

It is now coming Close to 7pm.. my bedtime. Daddy won´t come home tonight. He is out on some sort of team building with work. Probably means that he gets back super tired tomorrow evening.
I just hope he survives the chinese "wild water Rafting" well :-)

It´s still raining outside and the roads are all flooded. It´s also getting a bit boring.
I better go and tell Mummy to get me ready for bed or I will get grumpy.

Oh, I just noticed that it was friday 13th!
Well, seems like I got away with it and had a really good day!!!

Good night!

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