We are back from our Sanya...and it was a turely wonderful holiday. The weather was perfect with over 30 degrees and plenty of sunshine. The resort we wer booked in was perfect and in this short time we stayed there we found out that Hannah really enjoys travelling and also appreciated a change of scenery. All this green everywhere!..she could not stop lookg at this whole different world which was so different to Shanghai. With Mommy and Daddy around 24/7 it was not surprising that also a lot of "first time" things happened whilst we were away. Let me share with you some of them:
Mini Lincoln.. ready for take off:
She did really well on the plane and slept through all l take off´s and landings..
Told you.. she is a traveller :-)
Actually as long she can hold onto her "adventure monkey"
it doesn´t seem to matter how and where she travels..
At the resort we built Hannah her own lounger and entertainment center at the pool :-)
a new skill: bursting bubbles with her mouth...
...grabbing and holidng onto things...
unfortunately the little yellow pelican could not convince her that paddling in the pool is a fun thing to do.
She kept pulling up the legs as soon as her feet touched the water and looked very grumpy until we took her out again...
So introduced her to the "big water".. beachtime!!..
first contact with the sea!!!...she didn´t mind too much..
first sand on her feet!
Hannah´s first sunrise
and first tropical rain storm
She didn´t mind the water from above.. probably knew that it would safe her from going into the pool:-)
Evening stroll along the beach:
But the best thing about the whole holiday for Hannah was definately all this extra daddy time!!
Happy Fathersday, Paul!
Thank you for this wonderful holiday
We love you!!
Am meisten hat mich der Quietsche-Pelikan beeindruckt. Stell Dir vor: ich habe 40 Jahre meines Lebens nur mit Quietscheenten verbracht, ohne zu wissen dass es mehr gibt. Eine deutliche Bildungslücke! :-)
AntwortenLöschenSchön zu sehen, dass ihr eine schöne Zeit hattet. Der erste Urlaub zu dritt...
Letztes Kommentar von Myriam (vergessen zu unterschreiben...)