This Blog is about loving and living in Shanghai. 25 Million Chinese and US! - two "lao wais" (foreigners) called Paul and Angelika who are living right in the heart of the city.Not one day passes where we don´t get fascinated by living here as this place is full of stories and adventures. Big ones, small ones and of coarse our very personal one. You are warmly invited to experience some of these adventures with us and to find out that after all Shanghai is only just a little more crazy than other parts in the world. It´s all a matter of perspective :-). Welcome to our home and to the GOLDLINCOLN Blog!

Montag, 19. September 2011

Impressions of Shanghai Streets - Zizhong Lu

It seems like yesterday, but it is already 3 months that it was June and we got to experience the plum rain. I told you about the rain in the  post "It´s raining cat´s and dogs" but I have not shared with you the pictures which I took on the first sunny day after 2 weeks of rain.

I happened to be out y in town when the sun decided to come out. And with it all the streets came back to life. The every day picture of a grey  was over sudden exchanged by clear blue skys with white clouds and colourful washing dancing up in the air. That was the first time that I decided to get my camera out and to try a first street documentary. 

If you are curious, about what crossed my lens that day than follow me back to Zizhong Lu which is based in the former Luwan District in Old Shanghai. Just klick on the link below:

With the heat gone I had more time and fun to shot many little documentaries in and around Shanghai .You can look forward to seeing more picture stories,  soon :-)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hey, schicke Bilder!! Das Kaninchen im Käfig hat mir etwas leid getan. Mein Favorit: der BMW neben dem Schläfer... köstlich!! :-)
    Einen lieben Gruss, Myriam
