This Blog is about loving and living in Shanghai. 25 Million Chinese and US! - two "lao wais" (foreigners) called Paul and Angelika who are living right in the heart of the city.Not one day passes where we don´t get fascinated by living here as this place is full of stories and adventures. Big ones, small ones and of coarse our very personal one. You are warmly invited to experience some of these adventures with us and to find out that after all Shanghai is only just a little more crazy than other parts in the world. It´s all a matter of perspective :-). Welcome to our home and to the GOLDLINCOLN Blog!

Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2011

What are we doing this weekend?

Last weekend we had planned one of those quiet weekends at home and I´m sorry to say: Mission totally failed. See the problem is that we are living right next to Hengshan road which is one of the largest party areas in Shanghai. Three of the largest clubs in Shanghai are based just round the corner  and nestled amongst countless bars and restaurants. It´s not like we are out there partying all the time, but it seems like it is just the other way round than it was in Germany: You have to make an effort NOT to go out.

So friday night Paul and I went to "Mistral", which is a lovley Spanish tapas place in Fuxing Road, just about 15 minute walk from us. After that we went to "JZ-bar" which is a funky live Jazz club accross from Mistral. We left there about 1am. On our walk home we noticed new flashing lights over an entrance in Hengshan road. Before we knew it a little happy little chinese guy pulled us through the door. We walked through a tunnel and over sudden found ourselfes in a huge two floor dance hall with countless half naked men going crazy to the latest beats. It took a couple of seconds to realize, but we had walked in the opening night of Shanghais new and largest gay club called "Angel"
If you want to get an idea, take a look:

It is a fun place to be but after the Jz club it did not quite fit the theme of the night - or maybe it was just Paul not beeing so sure :-) But I can´t wait exploring this place more with some friends form home one day!!

Next day, Saturday we were really going to stay in. But than we found out that Pauls colleague was playing with his band in a bar.  So we ended up in Yu Yin Tang Garden which is kind of a large pub with a small concert hall and seems to serve the cheapest beer in the city.. Dave (Pauls colleague) was actually playing in 3 bands that night. If you want to take a look at this video of  "Hotter than Teppanyaki"and listen to the tune " I like beer but it does not get me drunk" - Dave is the singer.

A little later that night on we got to see a real Shanghai celebrity punk band. The guys are Canadian and about 2 meters tall. The singer is a chinese girl and probably half the hight. She looks like a totally innocent school girl. But when she gets going on stage she is totally mad. Imagine a rabbit on speed jumping around on stage. I could not help thinking about one of the schizophrenic "Kill Bill" caracters and was waiting every second for her to pull her sword. Unfortunately she is not going that mad in this video. But you get an idea:

I think we were home and deaf at about 3am. It was too hot to sleep anyway (about 34 degrees at night). So what was there left to do on Sunday? Exactly chilling out and recovering. We packed our blankets and took  a taxi to Century Park where we relaxed a little on the lake. The good thing about the heat is that no one wants to get out. So we had the park nearly to ourselfes.

And what are we going to do this weekend? - Well the plan is to do NOTHING.... :-)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Sounds like one of our weekends in New York, only add a toddler with an amazing talent as a charmer that makes friends everywhere we go. We have com to the conclusion that Daniel must have been a power plant in his last lifetime!

    We miss you both and can't wait to visit you next year. Do we have to schedule a date yet?? Can we go before Daniel turns 2 so he doesn't pay for a flight? Any plans on coming to NY or Germany?

    Amanda, Markus & Daniel
